Ethical code
1. Administrators and Executives
In the exercise of their administration and management functions, they must:
1.1. In relation to their management functions
- Carry out a professional, ethical and responsible exercise of their activity.
- Comply with and enforce what is reflected in this document and for this, make it known and establish the appropriate mechanisms to guarantee its application.
- Promptly and accurately inform the owners or shareholders of the situation and prospects of the company.
- Promote the effective participation of shareholders in General Meetings, especially by facilitating the exercise of their information and voting rights.
- Comply with and enforce generally accepted accounting standards and principles and establish internal and external risk control and management systems appropriate to the characteristics of the company.
- Maintain the books and records of the company accurately and honestly, so that they allow obtaining information and making decisions in a conscious and responsible way.
- Provide auditors, external and internal, of the company with all the information and explanations they require to carry out their work.
- Subordinate their own interests to those of the company when they act in its name and on behalf of the company and not use the corporate assets for their own benefit except with due transparency, prior authorization from the relevant corporate body and through the consideration that is appropriate in the market.
- Immediately communicate to the administrative body, any fact or situation that could suppose or come to cause a conflict between the interest of the company and the individual of the administrator or manager and refrain from intervening in its resolution.
- Facilitate transparency and control of their remuneration in such a way as to guarantee their adaptation to their level of responsibility and performance and the characteristics of the company.
- Maintain the confidentiality of the antecedents, data and documents to which they have access by reason of their functions in the company, even after they have left them.
- To face the payment and fulfillment of the debts and obligations of the company without delays or unjustified breaches and proceed to the collection of their credits with the diligence that the case requires.
- Prepare and maintain a succession plan in force in the key positions of the company, so that its continuity does not depend on the permanence of any administrator or manager.
- Choose your collaborators and subordinates according to the principles of merit and ability, seeking only the interest of the company.
1.2. In relation to suppliers and customers
- To interact with suppliers of goods and services in an ethical and lawful manner.
- Find and select only suppliers whose business practices respect human dignity, do not violate the law, and do not endanger the reputation of the company.
- Select suppliers based on the suitability of their products or services, as well as their price, delivery conditions and quality, not accepting or offering gifts or commissions, in cash or in kind, that may alter the rules of free competition in the production and distribution of goods and services.
- Seek the excellence of the company’s goods and services so that its clients and consumers obtain the expected satisfaction of those.
- Defend the interests of our clients as if they were ours.
- Guarantee the products and services of the company and respond quickly and efficiently to complaints from consumers and users seeking their satisfaction beyond mere compliance with current regulations.
1.3 In relation to competitors
- Do not abuse a dominant or privileged position in the market.
- Compete loyally with other companies cooperating to achieve a free market based on mutual respect among competitors, refraining from unfair practices.
- In particular, do not attract customers from other competitors through unethical methods.
1.4 In relation to employees
- Treat employees with dignity, respect and justice, taking into account their different cultural sensibilities.
- Not discriminate against employees on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, sex or any other personal or social condition beyond their conditions of merit and ability.
- Do not allow any form of violence, harassment or abuse at work.
- Recognize the rights of association, unionization and collective bargaining.
- Encourage the development, training and professional promotion of employees.
- Link the remuneration and promotion of employees to their conditions of merit and ability.
- Establish and communicate clear criteria and rules that keep the rights of the company and employees in balance in the hiring processes and in separation from them, even in the event of a voluntary change of employer.
- Guarantee safety and hygiene at work, adopting all reasonable measures to maximize the prevention of occupational risks.
- Try to reconcile work in the company with the personal and family life of the employees.
- Seek the labour integration of people with disabilities or handicaps, eliminating all kinds of barriers in the company environment for their insertion.
- Facilitate the participation of employees in the company’s social action programs.
1.5 In relation to civil society
- Respect human rights and democratic institutions and promote them wherever possible.
- Maintain the principle of political neutrality, not interfering politically in the communities where it carries out its activities, as a sign of respect for the different opinions and sensitivities of the people linked to the company.
- To interact with public authorities and institutions in a lawful and respectful manner by not accepting or offering gifts or commissions, in cash or in kind.
- Make contributions to political parties and public institutions only in accordance with current legislation and, in any case, guaranteeing their transparency.
- Collaborate with Public Administrations and with non-governmental entities and organizations dedicated to improving the levels of social care for the most disadvantaged
Last revision: 28/05/2020